Tuesday, August 21, 2012

work for black women during the 1950s | Black Dating

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work for black women during the 1950s Federal Work Programs for Black Americans Documentary (1930s) work for black women during the 1950s

work for black women during the 1950s Federal Work Programs for Black Americans Documentary (1930s) ? 1930s Government Newsreel (?We Work Again?) of how the WPA put Black Americans back to working again during the height of the Great Depression. The narrator states that they are the first to lose jobs and the last to be rehired. 10% of the nation is black, while 16% is unemployed and 25% on relief. These are the grandparents of Baby Boomer aged kids. Watch and decide for yourself how these conditions and other events lead to the great racial riots of the 1960?s that all Baby Boomers live through. Catch the following irony: A white narrator extolling how ?we? have suffered but now have dignity again. The long and medium shots show integrated work situations but the close-ups only show Blacks in close proximity to other Blacks unless the white person is in a supervisor relationship. Black teachers only teach Black students, Black nurses only care for Black patients. The newsreel takes pride in pointing out that the Federal Government trains Black women to be domestics. This film has been edited for time and content. It is part of the Prelinger Public Domain. Check out more memories of growing up in the 1950s, 60s and beyond at www.babyboomerstories.com ? Federal Work Programs for Black Americans Documentary (1930s) work for black women during the 1950s

work for black women during the 1950s

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Source: http://aglomot.com/work-for-black-women-during-the-1950s-2/

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