Tuesday, January 31, 2012

HBT: The worst game of the season?

Sam Miller of Baseball Prospectus has done the dirty work: he has sifted through the 2,400+ major league games of the 2011 season and has determined which of those games was the absolute worst.

Maybe the picture here spoils it, at least for Tigers and Giants fans who might remember it, but the real value of this article is (a) how he describes the game; and (b) the methodology he employed to identify it. ?Can?t agree more with Sam regarding what makes a bad game a bad game and what can redeem an otherwise bad game, saving it from consideration for the worst or the worst.

I?m just sort of bummed that the game took place on a Saturday. Kept me from saying something pithy about it in an ?And That Happened? post. Because as you all know, ugly games are way more fun to riff on.

Source: http://hardballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/01/30/the-worst-game-of-the-2011-season-has-been-identified/related/

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