Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Massive explosions rock central Fla. gas plant

Firefighters stand by near the scene of an explosion at a propane gas company Tuesday, July 30, 2013, in Tavares, Fla. John Herrell of the Lake County Sheriff's Office said early Tuesday that there were no fatalities despite massive blasts that ripped through the Blue Rhino propane plant late Monday night. Seven people were injured and transported to local hospitals. (AP Photo/John Raoux)

Firefighters stand by near the scene of an explosion at a propane gas company Tuesday, July 30, 2013, in Tavares, Fla. John Herrell of the Lake County Sheriff's Office said early Tuesday that there were no fatalities despite massive blasts that ripped through the Blue Rhino propane plant late Monday night. Seven people were injured and transported to local hospitals. (AP Photo/John Raoux)

Fire crews pour water on a fire after an explosion at the Blue Rhino propane gas company Tuesday, July 30, 2013, in Tavares, Fla. John Herrell of the Lake County Sheriff's Office said early Tuesday that there were no fatalities despite massive blasts that ripped through the Blue Rhino propane plant late Monday night. Seven people were injured and transported to local hospitals. (AP Photo/John Raoux)

Law enforcement officers arrive at a command post near the site of an explosion at a propane gas company Tuesday, July 30, 2013, in Tavares, Fla. John Herrell of the Lake County Sheriff's Office said early Tuesday that there were no fatalities despite massive blasts that ripped through the Blue Rhino propane plant late Monday night. Seven people were injured and transported to local hospitals. (AP Photo/John Raoux)

Fire crews pour water on a fire after an explosion at the Blue Rhino propane gas company Tuesday, July 30, 2013, in Tavares, Fla. John Herrell of the Lake County Sheriff's Office said early Tuesday that there were no fatalities despite massive blasts that ripped through the Blue Rhino propane plant late Monday night. Seven people were injured and transported to local hospitals. (AP Photo/John Raoux)

Fire crews pour water on a fire after an explosion at a propane gas company Tuesday, July 30, 2013, in Tavares, Fla. John Herrell of the Lake County Sheriff's Office said early Tuesday that there were no fatalities despite massive blasts that ripped through the Blue Rhino propane plant late Monday night. Seven people were injured and transported to local hospitals. (AP Photo/John Raoux)

TAVARES, Fla. (AP) ? A series of explosions rocked a central Florida propane gas plant and sent "boom after boom after boom" through the neighborhood around it. Several people were injured, with at least three critically injured.

All the workers at the plant were accounted for early Tuesday after officials initially could not account for more than a dozen employees.

John Herrell of the Lake County Sheriff's Office said there were no fatalities despite massive blasts that ripped through the Blue Rhino propane plant late Monday night.

"Management is comfortable saying all of those they knew were there tonight have been accounted for," he said.

One person injured in the explosion was listed in critical condition at University of Florida Health Shands Hospital. Two others were listed in critical condition at Orlando Regional Medical Center and a spokeswoman there said a third patient was en route, also listed as critical.

Herrell said some others drove themselves to area hospitals.

The Blue Rhino plant, which is northwest of Orlando, refilled propane tanks typically used for barbecues and other uses.

Herrell said a crew of 24 to 26 people was working at the plant on an overnight shift when the explosions occurred around 11 p.m.

Video footage on WESH-TV in Orlando showed fires burning through trucks used to transport propane tanks, which were parked at the plant. The fire was sending plumes of smoke into the air hours after the blast. Emergency crews could also be seen massing nearby.

Herrell said an evacuation zone was initially a one-mile radius but had been reduced to a half-mile radius. No injuries have been reported from residents in the neighborhood and residents were later allowed to return to their homes.

Marni Whitehead, 33, who lives less than a mile from the plant, said she was in bed ready to go to sleep when she heard a loud boom.

"It was like a car had run into my house, is what I thought had happened," she said.

She ran outside and saw other neighbors outside and then they saw the explosions.

"We knew right away it was the plant, the propane plant," Whitehead said. "After that, it was just sort of panic."

Whitehead likened the explosions to Fourth of July fireworks. "And it was just boom after boom after boom," she said.

Herrell said officials believe the fire was contained and wouldn't spread to another part of the plant but they could not guarantee that.

Herrell said the plant usually has 53,000 20-pound propane tanks.

According to the Leesburg Daily Commercial, the plant was built in 2004 and employs fewer than 50 people.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/3d281c11a96b4ad082fe88aa0db04305/Article_2013-07-30-US-Florida-Gas-Plant-Blast/id-905f1c54c7714c2a8a166623b2f8f37a

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Les gouvernements du Canada et de l'Ontario soulignent la cr?ation de nouveaux logements abordables ? Almonte

29 juil. 2013 11h00 HE

ALMONTE, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - 29 juillet 2013) - Le gouvernement du Canada, le gouvernement de l'Ontario et la Municipalit? de Mississippi Mills ont c?l?br? l'ouverture officielle de 20 nouveaux logements abordables ? Country Street Residences - Phase 2, destin?s ? des a?n?s ? faible revenu et ? des personnes handicap?es. Les gouvernements f?d?ral et provincial ont vers? 2,38 millions de dollars pour la r?alisation de cet ensemble. La construction a cr?? jusqu'? 50 emplois dans la r?gion d'Almonte.

Gordon O'Connor, d?put? f?d?ral de Carleton-Mississippi Mills, au nom de l'honorable Candice Bergen, ministre d'?tat (D?veloppement social); l'honorable Linda Jeffrey, ministre des Affaires municipales et du Logement de l'Ontario; Bill Dobson, pr?sident du conseil du comt? de Lanark; et John Levi, maire de Mississippi Mills en ont fait l'annonce aujourd'hui.

? L'investissement de notre gouvernement ? Almonte t?moigne de notre engagement ? accro?tre le nombre d'options de logement abordable pour tous les citoyens. Ces appartements sont ?quip?s de commodit?s modernes pour les r?sidents et offrent un meilleur acc?s aux services locaux, a d?clar? le d?put? O'Connor. Comme l'a pr?cis? le premier ministre, nous continuons de privil?gier quatre priorit?s qui comptent le plus pour les Canadiens : leur famille, la s?curit? de nos rues et de nos collectivit?s, leur fiert? d'?tre citoyens de ce pays et, bien s?r, leur s?curit? financi?re personnelle. ?

? Notre gouvernement est d?termin? ? travailler avec des partenaires et des donateurs pour fournir des logements s?rs et abordables aux personnes qui en ont le plus besoin, a indiqu? la ministre Jeffrey. Des ensembles comme Country Street Residences stimulent l'?conomie locale en cr?ant des emplois tout en offrant aux r?sidents de beaux logements neufs qui mettront en valeur la collectivit? d'Almonte pendant de nombreuses ann?es ? venir. ?

? Certains disent qu'avoir un chez-soi est un privil?ge, mais je crois que vivre avec un sentiment de sa propre dignit? est un droit, si on le d?sire et si on le veut, a soulign? le pr?sident du conseil de comt? Dobson. Nous sommes reconnaissants envers la Mills Community Support Corporation d'avoir am?nag? une collectivit? saine. ?

? Cet ensemble constitue un ajout important ? notre parc de logements ? Mississippi Mills, a d?clar? le maire Levi. Je remercie les trois ordres de gouvernement de leur participation ? cette r?alisation. J'esp?re que le succ?s de l'ensemble Country Street Residences inspirera d'autres projets de ce type. Ce b?timent offre ? ses r?sidents un environnement fonctionnel, lumineux et agr?able. ?

Country Street Residences - Phase 2 est situ? au 411, Country Street ? Almonte. Le complexe de 20 logements, compos? de 15 logements d'une chambre et de cinq logements de deux chambres ? l'intention d'a?n?s ? faible revenu et de personnes handicap?es, a re?u un financement de 2,38 millions de dollars dans le cadre de l'Entente Canada-Ontario concernant le logement abordable. Aux contributions f?d?rale et provinciale s'ajoutent plus de 52 000 $ en incitatifs financiers de la part du comt? de Lanark.

Cette ann?e, par l'entremise de la SCHL, le gouvernement du Canada injectera environ 2 milliards de dollars dans le logement. De cette somme, 1,7 milliard de dollars permettra de soutenir pr?s de 594 000 m?nages vivant dans des logements sociaux. En Ontario, cela repr?sente quelque 237 950 m?nages. Ces investissements am?liorent la qualit? de vie des Canadiens ? faible revenu et des m?nages habitant des logements sociaux, notamment les sans-abri et les personnes risquant de se retrouver sans domicile, les a?n?s, les personnes handicap?es, les immigrants r?cents et les Autochtones.

L'Ontario continue de construire de nouveaux logements abordables et de r?parer des logements existants pour les Ontariens ayant des besoins en mati?re de logement. Depuis 2003, les engagements de pr?s de 3 milliards de dollars pris par l'Ontario constituent la plus importante initiative de logement abordable jamais cr??e par la province. L'Ontario soutient la production de plus de 17 000 logements locatifs abordables et proc?de ? plus de 263 000 r?parations et am?liorations ? des logements sociaux et abordables. La Province fournit en outre de l'aide pour payer les loyers et verser la mise de fonds ? plus de 81 000 m?nages dans le besoin. La Strat?gie ontarienne ? long terme de logement abordable est la base solide sur laquelle vient s'appuyer un syst?me plus efficace et accessible.

Le logement abordable est un ?l?ment essentiel de la Strat?gie de r?duction de la pauvret? de l'Ontario. Pour en savoir davantage sur le logement abordable en Ontario, visitez le site www.ontario.ca/logement. Pour obtenir plus d'information sur le comt? de Lanark, visitez le site www.lanarkcounty.ca.

Pour en savoir davantage sur la mani?re dont le gouvernement du Canada et la Soci?t? canadienne d'hypoth?ques et de logement soutiennent l'am?nagement de logements plus solides et de collectivit?s plus prosp?res pour tous les Canadiens, communiquez avec la SCHL au 1-800-668-2642 ou consultez le site Web www.schl.ca.

Available in English

Source: http://www.marketwire.com/mw/release.do?id=1815440&sourceType=3

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Google Chromecast Review - An Awesome $35 HDMI Dongle

So I have a confession to make ? I didn?t hate the Nexus Q. While I didn?t necessarily love it and use it daily like a small minority of my peers did, I also didn?t immediately declare the product an unmitigated disaster like the vast majority of people. The fate of that product was so quickly decided that I hadn?t even begun writing my review when the whole thing was terminated. When I spoke with Googlers about Nexus Q, what was obvious to me was that the Q had begun as an audio-only product that later on had HDMI added, and that tiny bit of context made all the difference in understanding the choices behind it. I left the Nexus Q plugged into my AV Receiver up until the most recent set of Google Play apps killed functionality entirely.

Ultimately the price of the Nexus Q was its undoing ($299), not necessarily its functionality or even its somewhat awkward spherical form factor. The concept was relatively sound ? a network-attached appliance that played back movies and music from Google?s servers directly, rather than streaming them from device to device on the same network. The Q ran Android 4.x atop an OMAP4460, literally the same platform as the then-flagship Galaxy Nexus, just sans cellular connectivity, which made it a logical choice.

The Nexus Q was killed off before other services could be added, but at a high level the Q?s functionality as a playback device rather than streaming endpoint carried onto its successor, the Chromecast.

The Chromecast is obviously everything the Q should?ve been. It?s a simple, small, $35 HDMI dongle, powered by USB, that?s designed to discreetly plug into the back of a TV. There?s been much talk about the power requirement of the Chromecast, USB is indeed required for operation, but just about every modern TV has USB ports on the side for attaching mass storage or powering accessories like this. In fact, the Chromecast?s form factor is already a popular one for Android-powered HDMI dongles and Miracast sinks, as well as a variety of other small appliances. I?ve confirmed with Google that MHL-HDMI is not in fact supported by the Chromecast, meaning it can?t be powered by a TV that includes the spec (which can deliver up to 500 mA at 5 V), straight HDMI can only supply 50 mA at 5V. I?ve yet to encounter a TV with MHL-HDMI myself, including on the 55-inch LCD TV I purchased just 3 months ago.

Inside the box for the Chromecast is the device itself, a relatively long microUSB cable, USB power supply, and HDMI extender. Funnily enough the USB power supply appears to be the exact same as the previous generation Motorola USB charger (5V, 850 mA), just with a different exterior ? is this the first Motorola product out of Google proper?

The HDMI extender cable helps get the Chromecast behind a TV if you need to turn it 90 degrees or have an inset port with inadequate clearance like I do on my front-facing HDMI accessory port.

There?s not much to talk about regarding aesthetics of the Chromecast itself, it?s a dongle with a rounded bulge at one end, and HDMI port at the other. There?s a reset button on the side, microUSB port for power, and a status LED on top. On the bottom are regulatory markings. My only complaint about the Chromecast?s design is this status LED, which inexplicably is bright solid white whenever the device is on, making it distracting in a dark living room or bedroom. Nothing electrical tape can?t solve, but an inexplicably poor choice for a media center playback device given that bright LEDs are a known no-no.

The hardware is what it needs to be ? small, simple, and conducive to the low price point. The Nexus Q was a solid bowling ball in comparison, primarily thanks to the analog audio amplifier and hardware it really didn?t need. By keeping unnecessary I/O to a minimum the Chromecast ends up being a nice and small streaming appliance.

Source: http://www.anandtech.com/show/7186/google-chromecast-review-an-awesome-35-hdmi-dongle

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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Joe Belfiore: Windows Phone 8 GDR2 fixes storage bug; pushing Yahoo for better Flickr app

Microsoft's head of Windows Phone development, Joe Belfiore, posted a number of messages on his Twitter account today. While his main purpose was to show off more images he took with the newly launched Nokia Lumia 1020 smartphone, he also took the time to answer some questions from Windows Phone 8 owners as well.

One post addressed the "other storage" bug that has plagued Windows Phone 8 users for a long time now. It basically puts a section of a device's on-board storage under the "other" tag, but it also takes up quite a bit of space, especially among lower end smartphones that don't have a lot of storage to spare.

In a Twitter post, Belfiore claims that the Windows Phone 8 GDR2 update, which is slowly making its way to current devices, fixes this issue:

That's the official statement, but there are other reports online that claim the bug is still there and that the GDR2 update may have just improved the situation, rather than done away with the bug completely.

On another subject, Belfiore posted up his new Nokia Lumia 1020 images on his Flickr account and he stated today that he is a fan of Yahoo's photo sharing service. However, he also admits that the current official Flickr app for Windows Phone is lacking. In another Twitter post today he stated:

The official Flickr Windows Phone app has not been updated since late March. Since then, Yahoo has launched a revamp of the Flickr service, which increased the amount of its free photo storage to 1 TB.

Source: Joe Belfiore on Twitter

Source: http://www.neowin.net/news/joe-belfiore-windows-phone-8-gdr2-fixes-storage-bug-pushing-yahoo-for-better-flickr-app

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Friday, July 26, 2013

Apple's $35.3B June quarter: What the analysts are saying/Pleased by iPhone, worried about iPad, Hong Kong. Summer product launch signaled?

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Wednesday, July 24, 2013
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iPad, Mac sales drop from Q3 2012 but iPhone sets another sales record. Safe to say iPhone is Apple's "bread-and-butter" product? Vote for the results in the left column below or go straight to the results here.

Wednesday Highlights: Apple stock up, rocketing over $20 in trading following Q3 earnings announcement on Tuesday in which iPhone sales stole the show in Apple's $35.3 billion quarter; as Garret Sloane at the New York Post reports, iPhone numbers rebuts "notion...device is out of gas", and worry of iPhone sales drop due to high-end smartphone market saturation also put to rest; summary of Tim Cook's talking points at Macworld; China said to remain "huge opportunity" for Apple, but rivals in the country "offer more, for less"; GigaOM rounds out the software and services report in Apple's earnings; Chris Ciaccia sees the signs and numbers as pointing to Apple's rebirth; and at iMore, Chris Umiastowski believes the company is "doing fine", merely in a product cycle lull; earnings coverage throughout MacSurfer in content-appropriate sections; Cade Metz of Wired explores the tenuous relationship between Apple and Google, now being held together by a single thread; Carl Franzen dissects the "sudden patriotism" behind Apple and Google's quest to make more products here in the United States; MacNewsWorld reviews Ember, a digital scrapbook for your Mac; QuarkXPress 10 is a major overhaul of the publishing package, Macworld covers the details; Amsys shows how to disable warning Finder presents when you change a file extension; Joe Kissell ponders better ways to communicate in the Mac office; EA was Apple's biggest retail partner in Q3 seeing $90 million in revenue from iOS apps; 84% of tablet traffic on the web comes from iPads; curious how many MacBook Airs you could buy with $1.1 million?; more video surfaces of a purported plastic iPhone as compared to older, actual iPhones and iPod touches, more in our Hardware/Software section; DigiTimes reports next-gen iPad will have GF2 touch, and will drive market toward in-cell display tech; HotHardware reviews the new 13" MacBook Air; while LAPTOP mag compares Google's Nexus 7 with the iPad mini.

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  • "Michael Dell and Silver Lake boost offer for Dell to $13.75"?Financial Times [Paid Membership Required]?7:41 AM
  • "Michael Dell ups buyout offer; shareholder vote pushed off to Aug. 2"?CNET News?7:40 AM
  • "Dell founder seeks easier path to buyout offer"?Reuters?8:46 AM
  • "Michael Dell Sweetens The Pot In Bid To Seal Buyout, Raises Offer To $13.75"?Forbes?8:51 AM
  • "Michael Dell raises buyout offer for Dell by $0.10 per share, with new voting conditions"?IDG News Service?9:44 AM
  • "What's Behind the Increased Buyout Bid From Michael Dell and Silver Lake"?AllThingsD?10:51 AM
  • "Dell Founder Raises Takeover Bid"?New York Times [Free/Paid Registration Required]?8:46 AM
  • "Dell, Silver Lake sweeten bid to $13.75 per share; delays vote to Aug. 2"?ZDNet?9:55 AM
  • "Dell shareholders head in for second vote on Big Mike's plan"?The Register?7:22 AM
  • "Michael Dell and Silver Lake up buyout bid to $13.75; shareholder vote now Aug. 2"?VentureBeat?9:49 AM
  • "Final Proposal: Michael Dell And Silver Lake Just Boosted Their Bid For Dell"?Business Insider?8:11 AM
  • "Now It Looks Like The Dell Committee Is Playing Ball With Michael Dell"?Business Insider?10:06 AM
  • "Will Bill Gates Return to Microsoft? Not a chance. The guy is having too much fun living the high life to stumble back to CEO status."?PC Magazine?4:44 PM
  • "Why Microsoft Needs to Start Acting Like a Challenger Brand: It's Time for the Faltering Giant to Start a Food Fight"?Advertising Age?10:16 AM
  • "Microsoft is doomed, but first it's going to make a ton of money"?Washington Post [Free Registration Required]?10:16 AM
  • "Microsoft scrambles to quell a Windows Phone user insurrection"?FierceMobileContent?10:18 AM
  • "How NSA Data Demands On Microsoft Shape Your Security: Microsoft is legally prevented from saying too much about charges it collaborated with the NSA. Product security gets caught in this complex situation."?InformationWeek?10:16 AM
  • "Internet Explorer has the worst phishing catch rate of all major browsers"?BetaNews?7:46 AM
  • "Microsoft, Azul Partner to Bring OpenJDK to Windows Azure"?eWeek?10:15 AM
  • "Investors must reassess investments on Intel and Microsoft-analysts"?IVC Post?10:14 AM
  • "IBM pours WebSphere tech into Cloud Foundry cauldron"?The Register?7:28 AM
  • "IBM Standardizes On Cloud Foundry, The Open-Source Developer Platform"?TechCrunch?8:10 AM
  • "IBM Makes Pivotal Move to Support Cloud Foundry PaaS"?eWeek?10:15 AM
  • "IBM, Pivotal team up on open governance model for Cloud Foundry"?ZDNet?9:52 AM
  • "IBM throws its weight behind Pivotal's open source Cloud Foundry"?VentureBeat?8:27 AM
  • "IBM Seal Of Approval Boosts Cloud Foundry, Devs Win"?ReadWrite?11:08 AM
  • "HP and NEC Expand Enterprise Computing Alliance to Deliver Increased Reliability, Innovation to Customers"?Benzinga?11:10 AM
  • "HP Software to help Mindtree transform application testing business"?The Economic Times?11:10 AM
  • "Intel will offer 'Broadwell' SOC to battle Calxeda, AMD"?IDG News Service?11:05 AM
Finances (Click heading for current Apple Stock price.)
Apple News
  • "Apple's 3Q FY13 Review (Padcast)"?asymco?4:48 PM
  • "Apple shares notch best day of 2013: Apple shares got a big boost Wednesday, one day after the company reported better-than-expected earnings and surprisingly strong iPhone sales."?CNNMoney?4:46 PM
  • "7 Reasons Why $AAPL Jumped 5.5% on Apple's Earnings Report"?The Mac Observer?3:33 PM
  • "Apple offsets iPad and Mac drop with record iPhone sales"?V3?10:21 AM
  • "Apple's $35.3B June quarter: What the analysts are saying/Pleased by iPhone, worried about iPad, Hong Kong. Summer product launch signaled?"?Fortune?9:59 AM
  • "Apple Inc.'s Transition Quarter: Soaring R&D, And Preparations For A Crucial Holiday Season"?Seeking Alpha?9:21 AM
  • "Apple Chart After Earnings: Not at a Bottom Yet"?24/7 Wall St.?8:53 AM
  • "Apple Inc.: Slightly Disappointed, But More Hopeful"?Seeking Alpha?8:51 AM
  • "Apple's Tax Rate Is Now 18%, Or 25%, Or 44%, Your Choice Really"?Forbes?8:51 AM
  • "Apple Q3: iPhone sales set new record for quarter while iPad sales slow"?Digital Trends?8:30 AM
  • "The Average Price Of The iPhone Took A Serious Drop Last Quarter"?Business Insider?8:11 AM
  • "Apple sells 31 million iPhones in 2Q13; announces fiscal 3Q13 results"?DigiTimes?7:43 AM
  • "Apple Inc.'s Slumping Unit Profits Spell Trouble"?Seeking Alpha?7:40 AM
  • "Apple Inc. Shares Are Likely Dead Money For The Balance Of Its Fiscal Year"?Seeking Alpha?7:19 AM
  • "IPhone chip designer's sales surge 24%"?CNNMoney?8:11 AM
Industry News
  • "Tech Stocks: Apple, EMC rise, but Broadcom drags on techs/Reaction to earnings is behind big gains, and losses on the day"?MarketWatch?3:34 PM
  • "Dow, S&P dip; Apple's jump keeps Nasdaq barely in black"?Reuters?4:44 PM
  • "Tech Stocks: Apple shares surge"?USA Today?10:13 AM
  • "Apple keeps Tech Stocks afloat"?CNNMoney?4:44 PM
  • "Stocks Pull Back From Record Highs"?TheStreet?4:45 PM
  • "Apple Beat, EU Data Lift Futures"?FOXBusiness?8:55 AM
  • "Stocks Close Lower: Mixed earnings reports weighed on shares"?WSJ.com [Paid Membership Required]?4:45 PM
  • "Stocks: Apple earnings lift spirits"?CNNMoney?7:28 AM
  • "Asia Markets: China stocks drop on downbeat data; India slides/Mainland Chinese stocks fell Wednesday after a gauge of the country's manufacturing sector dropped to a 11-month low, while Indian shares dropped after the country's central bank further tightened its policies to support the rupee."?MarketWatch?8:55 AM
  • "Europe Markets: European stocks rise after upbeat PMIs/European stock markets climbed on Wednesday after better-than-expected purchasing managers' indexes from the region spurred hopes about the economic recovery."?MarketWatch?8:55 AM
  • "Most active Nasdaq-traded stocks: Nasdaq's 10 most active stocks at 1 p.m."?Associated Press?1:15 PM
  • "Final Glance: Computer companies/Computer companies shares up at the close of trading"?Associated Press?9:18 PM
? ?

Source: http://www.macsurfer.com/redirr.php?u=798857

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President visiting Jacksonville today


President Barack Obama is scheduled to visit Jacksonville on Thursday afternoon to talk about the economy.

The White House says during his stop at JaxPort, he will focus on what we can do to invest in the middle class. ?He believes that's the only way to strengthen the economy.

"In the last few years, we have certainly seen the conversation about port investment rise in priority as people start to understand that our ports are the foundation of our economy. The movement of goods to our consumers, the movement of goods from our manufacturers to the rest of the world that is critically important to our economic health," said Nancy Rubin, JaxPort spokeswoman.

The Mile Point project and deepening the shipping channel in the St. Johns River are ongoing efforts to demolish an underwater wall and open up the shipping channel. ?If approved, the head of the local longshoreman's union means more business and more work.

"Right now we have about 1,500 members. Only about 600 of those members have a good living as a longshoreman so if we have more jobs here more people that can make a decent living here," said Keith Hopkins, who's been a longshoreman for 25 years.

The project that would allow bigger and more ships to come here is in the hands of Congress. ?In January, Gov. Rick Scott approved $38 million for the project, but it's tied up at the federal level. President Obama has the ability to speed it up.

Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio supports efforts to fund port improvements.

"I think everyone supports the dredging project. The two impediments have been money and authorization. Because of a quirk in the federal law that even though the state is spending that money, the federal government had to authorize them to spend that money. And that will be cleared up in the federal version of the bill," said Rubio.

President Obama is expected to speak around 2:35 p.m. This is not open to the public. ?Channel 4 will carry his remarks live on television and streaming on News4Jax.com.

Source: http://www.news4jax.com/news/president-to-speak-at-jaxport/-/475880/21157268/-/3vd7vf/-/index.html

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Thursday, July 25, 2013

General Dynamics adds jobs in St. Petersburg

Staff Tampa Bay Business Journal

General Dynamics, a leading weapons maker, is adding employees to its St. Petersburg operation.

The company said it would close a technical products and armament division in Charlotte, N.C. by the end of the year and transfer some of the 90 employees that work there to St. Petersburg. The company will also hire employees locally, the Tampa Bay Times said.

General Dynamics (NYSE: GD), headquartered in Falls Church, Va., already employs 170 people at a facility off of Roosevelt Blvd. The company manufacturers mortar weapons, artillery projectiles, bomb bodies and propellants. The employees set to move here from Charlotte work on ?vehicle survivability systems? for the U.S. military and its allies. They also build suspension systems for large and heavy vehicles, the Times said.

Mike Meidel, director of Pinellas County Economic Development, credited regional assets such as training programs, grants and an annual defense and technology show for tipping the scales in favor of St. Petersburg to land the jobs. ?I've got to think that the general support for the defense industry here gave us a little edge over Charlotte,? Meidel told the Times.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/bizj_tampabay/~3/sRC-JCnJtn8/general-dynamics-adds-jobs-in-st.html

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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Pen?lope Cruz and Javier Bardem Welcome a Daughter

Pen?lope Cruz and Javier Bardem welcomed their second child on Monday, July 22, a daughter born in Madrid, Hola reports.

Source: http://feeds.celebritybabies.com/~r/celebrity-babies/~3/NuyY5OkW9YM/

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GSK says senior executives appear to have broken Chinese law

LONDON/SHANGHAI | Mon Jul 22, 2013 12:35pm BST

LONDON/SHANGHAI (Reuters) - British drugmaker GlaxoSmithKline said on Monday some of its executives in China appeared to have broken the law in a bribery scandal, as it promised changes in its business model that would lower the cost of medicine in the country.

GSK is the latest in a string of multinationals to be targeted by Chinese authorities over alleged corruption, price-fixing and quality controls.

Chinese police visited the Shanghai office of another British drugmaker, AstraZeneca, a company spokeswoman said on Monday. The police came on Friday and took away a sales representative for questioning, she added.

GSK's head of emerging markets, Abbas Hussain, said the company had zero tolerance for employees who broke the law.

"Certain senior executives of GSK China, who know our systems well, appear to have acted outside of our processes and controls, which breaches Chinese law," he said in a statement.

Hussain, sent to China last week to lead GSK's response to the crisis, held a meeting with the Ministry of Public Security at which he also promised to review GSK's business model.

"Savings made as a result of proposed changes to our operational model will be passed on in the form of price reductions, ensuring our medicines are more affordable to Chinese patients," Hussain added.

The company gave no details on the changes or the extent of price cuts. GSK supplies key products such as vaccines in China, as well as drugs for lung disease and cancer.

Chinese police last week accused GSK of bribing officials and doctors to boost sales and raise the price of its medicines.

They said GSK transferred up to 3 billion yuan ($489 million) to 700 travel agencies and consultancies over six years to facilitate the bribes. Four senior Chinese executives from GSK have been detained.

Britain's biggest drugmaker has said it was deeply concerned by the allegations, which it called "shameful".

Last week, Chinese authorities also visited the Shanghai office of Belgian drugmaker UCB and the latest visit to AstraZeneca shows Chinese authorities are spreading their net.

AstraZeneca said it believed the case involving its employee was a local police matter.

"We believe that this investigation relates to an individual case and while we have not yet received an update from the Public Security Bureau, we have no reason to believe it's related to any other investigations," the spokeswoman said.


In a statement, China's Ministry of Public Security said GSK's Hussain apologised for the scandal during the meeting.

He was dispatched to China last week by Chief Executive Andrew Witty, along with two other senior executives.

Witty will detail what action the drugmaker is taking in response to the bribery allegations when he presents quarterly results on Wednesday, sources said.

GSK's intention to cut the price of its medicines in China would be in line with how other foreign companies have responded to pressure from Beijing.

European food groups Nestle and Danone said they would cut infant milk formula prices in China after Beijing launched an inquiry into the industry.

"In China, when the government criticises people, they tend to bow down and apologise very quickly because they are scared of the authority of the central government to do tremendous harm to their business - whether it be for arresting executives very quickly or through auditing," said Shaun Rein, managing director of the Shanghai-based China Market Research Group.

GSK also had a fresh setback in another important emerging market on Monday when it abandoned a scheme to increase its stake in GSK Consumer Nigeria, its consumer healthcare business in the country, following opposition from minority shareholders.


China has long been known for a culture in which drug companies make payments to doctors, since physicians rely on rewards for writing prescriptions to offset meagre salaries.

Those practices, however, are increasingly at odds with a crackdown on corruption under President Xi Jinping, leaving companies struggling to toe the line while not losing business in a highly competitive market.

Chinese state media has aired interviews with one of the detained GSK executives who has said travel agencies were used to arrange conferences, some of which were never held, to allocate money that could then be used for bribes.

One of the agencies at the centre of the scandal has been identified by state media as Shanghai Linjiang International Travel Agency.

The New York Times said documents it obtained showed that in the last three years at least six other global pharmaceutical firms, including Merck, Novartis, Roche and Sanofi, had used that agency to make arrangements for events and conferences.

The records included invoices for hotel bookings, travel visas and airline tickets to Chinese cities, and to Australia, Italy, Japan, Korea and the United States. It said the documents contained no indication of wrongdoing.

Roche said it used Shanghai Linjiang International Travel Agency among others but that once the allegations surfaced it immediately stopped working with it and began a review of its business with the agency.

Merck also said it had used the agency in the past and would no longer do so. The other drug companies could not immediately be reached for comment by Reuters.

The travel agency's business has been suspended, China's official Xinhua news agency reported last Thursday.

(Additional reporting by Ruby Lian in SHANGHAI, Michael Martina in BEIJING and Caroline Copley; writing by Dean Yates; Editing by Sophie Walker)

Source: http://feeds.reuters.com/~r/Reuters/UKTopNews/~3/17dVCcaSQC8/story01.htm

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Monday, July 22, 2013

Abe's election win in Japan shores up markets

LONDON (AP) ? Markets have started the week fairly positively after Japanese election results gave the country's ruling party a majority in parliament's upper house and a mandate to push ahead economic reforms.

Preliminary results from Sunday's election show the coalition led by Shinzo Abe won a majority in the upper house. Analysts said the victory removes a roadblock to implementing its economic reform agenda.

Japan's stagnant economy is showing signs of perking up, helped by the aggressive monetary and fiscal stimulus that Abe has implemented since he took office in late December. Stocks have surged, business confidence is improving and the weaker yen has eased pressure on exporters.

Long-term growth requires measures to boost competitiveness and cope with Japan's rapidly aging population and soaring national debt.

"The win will now allow him to push on with implementing his third and final arrow, in his attempt to revive the Japanese economy which has stagnated for the last two decades," said Craig Erlam, market analyst at Alpari.

As the third-largest economy in the world, that's a potential boon for the region and that helped Asian shares post solid gains ? Tokyo's Nikkei 225 gained 0.5 percent to 14,658.04.

That optimism carried through into the European trading session.

In Europe, the FTSE 100 index of leading British shares was up 0.1 percent at 6,636 while Germany's DAX rose 0.2 percent to 8.351. The CAC-40 in France was 0.3 percent higher at 3,936.

Wall Street was poised for a solid start to the week, with Dow futures and the broader S&P 500 futures up 0.1 percent.

Earnings statements from a raft of companies around the world will be closely monitored this week. Nearly a third of the S&P report this week and there's also a number of European companies due to announce their results.

The main earnings statements later are those from McDonald's and Haliburton, while the key economic release later will be existing home sales figures for June.

"More good news on U.S. housing could help dispel any negative sentiment," said Chris Beauchamp, market analyst at IG.

Investors will also keep a watch on developments in Portugal after the country's president accepted a compromise reached by the coalition government that allows it to stay in power, defusing a crisis that had roiled financial markets.

The yield on the country's benchmark 10-year bond ? a gauge of investor sentiment ? fell 0.28 percentage point to 6.46 percent.

Portugal has been relying on a financial bailout from its euro partners and the International Monetary Fund for over two years now and the prospect of the government collapsing over a disagreement over austerity had weighed on recent sentiment.

Earlier in Asia, China's benchmark Shanghai Composite Index added 0.6 percent to 2,004.76 despite concerns over the scale of the country's economic slowdown. Hong Kong's Hang Seng rose 0.2 percent to 21,356.03.

In the currency markets, the dollar declined to 99.99 yen from the previous trading session's 100.6 yen. The euro was up 0.2 percent at $1.3161.

Oil prices tracked equities higher, with the benchmark New York rate up 38 cents at $108.25 a barrel.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/abes-election-win-japan-shores-markets-094556208.html

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PREVIEW-San Jose and unions set for court battle over pensions

By Jim Christie

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - California's third-largest city, San Jose, and its employee unions face off in court on Monday over public pension reforms in a case that has major implications for other local authorities in the state trying to rein in the costs of retirement benefits.

The lawsuit brought against the measure, led by San Jose's police union, shows how difficult it is for local governments to break benefit promises to current and past employees even when other public services are being cut to pay for them.

San Jose's pension overhaul in San Jose was promoted by Democratic Mayor Chuck Reed and approved by nearly 70 percent of voters in 2012 but city unions argue the move violates the rights of its members and is in breach of the California state constitution. They want the court to block the measure from going into effect and to maintain the current pension plan.

"If the unions prevail it will give local leaders elsewhere reason to pause. If Mayor Reed prevails, they may get even more ambitious in finding new ways to reduce pension outlays," said Larry Gerston, a political science professor at San Jose State University.

In recent decades, municipalities across the country have provided their workers with higher retirement benefits, both pensions and health coverage, often in lieu of pay increases. But this has often created a future burden for budgets, made worse in some cases by skipping payments into pension funds.

Two other California cities, Stockton and San Bernardino, last year filed for bankruptcy due to deep financial problems that include spiking pension costs.

Detroit's decision to file for bankruptcy on Thursday, the largest U.S. municipal bankruptcy filing ever, was also partly related to the cost of pension and other post-retirement benefits for city employees.

San Jose's pension reform, which has not yet been adopted because of the lawsuit, does not reduce benefits already earned by employees, but would require them to either pay higher contributions to maintain current benefits or receive lower benefits.

It also requires new city employees to split pension contributions evenly with the city. San Jose, which has two pension funds, currently pays $8 toward pension benefits for every $3 contributed by its employees, according to Dave Low, a spokesman for the mayor.

Reed made tackling San Jose's pension spending, which rose to $245 million last year from $73 million in 2001, a priority. San Jose has had to slash other spending to help cover the costs and balance its budgets.

San Jose, Silicon Valley's biggest city, is starting to see its revenue pick up as its economy and real estate market strengthen, but Reed says city services could be back on the chopping block without the projected savings from the pension reform.

Savings from the measure will help balance San Jose's books in future years and restore services cut over the past decade in response to budget shortfalls, said Low.


Unions for public employees don't see it that way.

"The mayor's initiative was flawed from the get-go because it pulls the rug out from employees who have worked hard, played by the rules and expected the city to keep its promise," said Steven Maviglio, a spokesman for Californians for Retirement Security, a coalition representing more than 1 million public employees.

"The foundation of California's public pension system for nearly a century is that pensions are a legally protected promise," Maviglio added.

The court hearing San Jose's case consolidated five lawsuits brought by two unions, individual employees and retirees.

The unions argue that any change in employee benefits needs to be negotiated and cannot just be imposed by the city.

Public sector unions in California say the law shields their pension benefits from changes as they are the property of employees tied to their compensation.

San Jose's public pensions are generous in comparison to others in California, which are already well above the country's average.

The average San Jose police officer and firefighter who retired in the past decade, and worked for 26 years, gets an annual pension of $100,000, while the average civilian city employee who retired in the past decade, and worked for 20 years, has an annual pension of $45,000, according to proponents of the city's pension reform measure.

The average yearly pension benefit for a member of the California Public Employees' Retirement System, the pension system for state workers and scores of local government across the state, was around $29,000 in April.

The case is in Santa Clara County Superior Court, No. 1-12-CV-225926.

(Editing by Tiziana Barghini, Martin Howell and Eric Walsh)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/preview-san-jose-unions-set-court-battle-over-121558518.html

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